
FilChaudNX is a 4-axis and 2D CNC hot-wire cutting software very versatile

Now available in English :

I just finished the English translation of the software and of the Users Guide.

Functionnalities :

It can be used to :

  • Gcode generation (G93 friendly, G94 is 😈 in 4-axes cutting, choice of axis letters, you can download here an example of Gcode file generated by FilChaudNX)
  • USB direct control of the machines with an electronic based on the IPL5X interpolator
  • Fast and simple to very complex cuttings

I wrote FilChaudNX because I was fed up with software that didn't let me do EVERYTHING I wanted. With FilChaudNX, you have total control, you can add or remove points, shapes, or wire paths.

A unique implementation of the path offset allows you to obtain precise dimensions even in the case of extremely complex cut-outs. (Variable offset algorithm).

FilChaudNX features also advanced material management, with a quick and easy calibration procedure. (Which I developed myself.)

You can download and install it now, and fully test it with wire movement simulation, it's free for test and project management.

Lifetime licence

If you want to export Gcode or to direct control an IPL5X interface with USB, you will have to purchase a licence at the small price of 69€. It is a lifetime license (so take advantage before it becomes a subscription 😉 ). See below

If you're interested in Gcode generation, please note: speeds are based on the G93 command (perfectly suited to CNC 4-axes hot-wire cutting), and not on G94 (suited to milling). You should therefore check that your interface firmware supports the G93 command for speed definition.

To test this, you can download an example Gcode file generated by FilChaudNX by clicking here. This is a rectangular wing section based on a ClarkY profile with a 150mm chord.


Good software also means good documentation : FilChaudNX comes with a PDF manual in English, with a detailed summary, which clearly explains how to use the software. And for a quick start, you'll find a series of 10 free videos at the bottom of this page.

How to purchase FilChaudNX licence :

Here is an access button to the ordering page :

I will manually edit the license in your name, it's not automatic. So it could take a little time between 1 and 96 hours, depending on were I am on Earth and of my schedule.

Once payment has been received and depending on my availability, I will code the license and send it to you.

The license is for one user, who can install it on several workstations at home.

How to use the Gcode

With an IPL5X interpolator/interface, the control is direct from FilChaudNX software, with real-time view of the cut.

If you want to use a GRBL-based interface, the Gcode generated by FilChaudNX must be sent to the interface using external software.

Here are two examples

  • The Controller Software for 4-axis CNC Foam Cutter from the RC Keith website, wich is free.
  • Gemini Aero Cutter by Franck Aguerre, which is not free but more powerfull and also handles milling and laser (it has unique features, like machine auto-recognition or macro live recorder, and its user interface automatically adapts to the type of machine). Click the picture below to see one of its screens.